Greater Heights Academy
Strength. Determination. Knowledge.
- Greater Heights Academy
- Budget and Salary/Compensation Transparency
Budget and Salary/Compensation Transparency
The Budget and Salary/Compensation Transparency Reporting section provides the opportunity for Greater Heights Academy to communicate with our community how we utilize the resources provided to us. The legislation represents an amendment to the State School Aid Act (Public Act 94 of 1979) and requires each Michigan school district and intermediate school district to post the following information on its website.
Fiscal Year Board Approved Budgets
The Greater Heights Academy budget is adopted by our Board of Directors no later than June 30 of each year. This budget is posted on the website within 15 days of adoption. Any subsequent budget amendments are also posted within 15 days of adoption.2024-2025
Personnel Expenditures
Operating Expenditures
Current Bargaining Agreements
The District does not have any collective bargaining agreements for the fiscal year.
Employer Sponsored Health Care Plans
Employer Sponsored Health Plan
Audited Financial Statements
The most recent financial audit can be viewed below. Audits for previous years can be viewed at the MDE Office of Audits website by following the link provided.
Procurement Policy
Expense Reimbursement Policy
Employee Compensation Information
Accounts Payable Check Register
District Paid Association Dues
Dues and fees paid with district funds are limited to professional associations. Membership in professional associations provide added opportunities, resources, continuing education, and professional development of district employees.
District Paid Lobbying Costs
Greater Heights Academy does not participate in lobbying or utilize any lobbying services.
Approved Deficit Elimination Plan
Greater Heights Academy has not incurred a deficit and is not under a deficit elimination plan.
District Credit Card Information
The District currently does not issue credit cards to staff members.
District Paid Out-Of-State Travel Information
- The district did not have any Out of State Travel expenses
Educator Evaluation Systems Postings and Assurances
Annual Education Report
Other Transparency Information
Continuity of Learning and COVID-19 Response Plan
- 98c Learning Loss Plan
- 23-24 Continuous Learning Plan
- Recertification of Continuous Learning Plan-6/21/23
- End of year Progress to Goals Report- Section 98b (2022-2023)
- Recertification of Continuous Learning Plan-2/28/23
- Mid-Year Educational Goals Report
- Board Approval of 22-23 School year Continuous Learning Plan-GHA
- 2022 - 23 Sec. 98b Goal Progress Report
- Recertification of Continuous Learning Plan-6/22
- END of Year Goals Presentation (June 2022)
- Mid Year Goals Presentation (February 2022)
- Recertification of Continuous Learning Plan
- Continuous Learning Plan 21-22-GHA
- CMU Approval of Continuity of Learning and COVID-19 Response Plan
- Academic Goals- PA 48 of 2021 Section 98b
- Greater Heights Academy - Esser III Use Of Funds
- Use of Funds Summary
- GHA Drill Schedule 2022 - 23
- Fire, Tornado and Shelter-In-Place Drill Report Form for Academic Year 2021-22
Please use this link to visit the MI School Data website –