Our Parents Our Partners

  • Thank you for choosing Phalen Leadership Academies (PLA) where every student is a scholar. PLA is a network of quality public schools and tuition-free charter schools in Alabama, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Missouri, and Washington, DC.

    Our elementary, middle and high schools range from Pre-K-12th grade. Our schools are public and free to attend. With over 20 locations across the country, each PLA school shares the common mission of working to improve the lives of children through education. 

  • Phalen Leadership Academies works to build some of the best schools across the country. We recognize that every student is a scholar, and we work to give them the tools and support they need to fulfill their tremendous innate potential. 

What You Can Expect

  • Focused Attention of Individual Scholar Needs

    The way we focus on scholar learning may look different from what is seen in any other school. We implement the PLA model which uses data to focus on individual student needs. All scholars do not learn the same or at the same pace. We believe in tiered instruction, small-group instruction, in school tutoring, hands-on learning, integrated technology and nurturing the whole child so that they are leaders of today and tomorrow. We also offer a 6-8 week free summer enrichment program for scholars to help them maintain and accelerate their learning gains.  


    Leaders Rallied Around Scholar Achievement

    Parents will see leadership teams in place who are rallying around achievement and scholar growth including but not limited to: the school principal, instructional specialists, instructional coaches, student enrollment coordinators, and the Regional Director.


    Strong Communications and Partnership Efforts

    Strong communications with our families is important. Parents can expect regular communication from the school campus, positive calls from our teachers to update on scholar progress, and access to tools and resources via the PLA websites and mobile app. We believe that parents are our strongest community partners as we work to help our scholars learn, grow, and become well-rounded leaders. We maintain an open-door policy for families and welcome parents into our schools and scholar learning process. We also work to support families in getting scholars to and through college. We also have our free job training program for parents and adult PLA family members.

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  • States.

What PLA Schools Look Like: PLA TV

  • Our Schools and Scholars in Action